Image: canoe.ca
TRACK AND FIELD QUOTESBen Johnson athlete - Quotes
"Don't tell me I cheated the system because that's [expletive]," he says. "I didn't get treated fairly by the system. They cast me out and they were jealous because I turned in the fastest time ever run by a human and it was impossible at the time."
"We're not friends, never been, never will. Carl Lewis could never beat me on the track or off."
"We need to show good faith for the young kids, the next generation coming up. Today, I tell the kids don't use drugs, because it's bad for you."
"I did something good in my life. My mom and dad saw me run faster than any human, and that's it. Better than a gold medal."
Editor's Note: So, Ben, can you tell us how you really feel?