BASKETBALL QUOTES \ INSULTSBasketball quotes \ insults from movies
You wanna run? you mean play basketball? NO icehocky, get your tired but up her
White Men Can't Jump - 1992
I Told yo stupid white ass lookin like Woody Harrison muthafucker that u can't jump man! Yo jumpin is like yo dick becuz its short. Tryin to play basketball man u tryin to be like Larry Bird
White Men Can't Jump - 1992.
Billy): Hey yo chump! Yeah you Mr. Potatoe Head, I'm talking to you. Is that the best game you got 'cos if it is you may as well grab that free t-shirt and head on home. And who you got with you there? Mighty Mouse? Hey you're too pretty to play basketball you know that! Hey You got that big Z in your fro man what you get your hair cut at the braille institute?!!What are you the black zorro!?
(Flight): What the fuck is O.P Taylor talking about anyway?
(Billy): OP taylor? Op Taylor? I got your Op you big bad gomer pile droopy eyed son of a bitch!!! (Billy): What you still putting up bricks, you still putting up bricks, CLANG!CLANG! I like need a welder torch to play in this league here! Hey, I tell you what, Lets just gather up all these bricks and build a shelter for the homeless! So maybey your mother has a place to stay!
(Willie): yo fuck you man!
(Flight): Fuck that fucker man!
(Billy): I want your mother and your sister out of my house immediately!
White Men Can't Jump - 1992.
#1:) It says here that the rich and famous people hang out the polo lounge. I don't know nothin' about no damn polo.
#2:) Then look up in the book and see if you can find a basketball lounge!
B*A*P*S - 1997.
Whitmore): May I examine this, please? Do you actually give those to your patients? Isn't it awfully large for a pill?
Dr. Hackenbush): Well, it was too small for a basketball, and I didn't know what to do with it. Say, you're awfully large for a pill yourself.
Day at the Races, A - 1937.
Sometimes it's a good day to die, and sometimes it's a good day to play basketball.
Smoke Signals - 1998.
Alonzo Harris: You disloyal, fool-ass, bitch made punk! You think you can do this to me! I run shit here! Y'all just live here! who the fuck y'all think you messing with!I'm running cases on all your asses! 24-hour lockdown, baby! Y'all be playing basketball on Pelican bay!
Training Day - 2001.
1)He plays the game like he's eleven feet tall.
2)No,I don't think he's that big,Jerry.
1)No,he plays the game like that of a viking giant with a basketball in one hand and club in the other.
Bedazzled - 2000.
If you love basketball so much then why are you boning me? Why don't you go bone Dick Vitale?
Love & Basketball - 2000.
You gold teeth-gold chain wearin, fried chicke and biscuit eatin, monkey, ape, baboon, bog thigh, fast runnin, 360 degree basketball dunkin spade Moulan Yan.
Do the Right Thing - 1989.
1. Who wouldn't you rather play basketball? I know how to play that. We could be like a team for the MacMillan company. I'm not very good at sports, my best sport is video hockey.
2. That isn't a sport.
1. Well it takes eye to hand coordination.
2. It's not a sport unless you sweat.
1. What about golf, you don't sweat.
2. Its not a sport if you're letting some machine do all the work.
1. What about car racing?
2. Oh shut up Baskins!
Big - 1988.
After a long day of crime fighting, I like to play a little basketball.
Toxic Avenger, Part II, The - 1989.
Scott: Your not fallin' through.
Roberta: Who asked you?!
(Scott walks on)
Roberta: Hey! (throws the basketball to Scott)
(play basketball with eachother for a few minutes)
Scott: Your pretty good.
Roberta: Thanks.
Scott: you know not just for a girl you know, for a guy.
Roberta: Thanks.... um hey you wana pop or something?
Scott: Yeah that'll be great.
Now and Then - 1995.
Biff's walking down the street when a basketball suddenly comes bouncing to him. Biff takes it. Some young kids run up to him.
Kids: Give us our ball back.
Biff: (Teasing holds it up) Is this your ball?
Kids: Yes.
Biff: And do you want it back?
Kids: Yes.
Biff throws the ball onto a 2nd story balcony of a brown house.
Biff: Well, go get it! Ha! Ha!
Back to the Future Part II - 1989.
Beth *animated*: Listen, Lane! You forget! Chris Cummins dates the basketball team! Not certain members of the team, Lane! The WHOLE TEAM!
Better Off Dead... - 1985.
Oh, great. We got a pro basketball team coming toward us. With guns!
Red Heat - 1988.
How do you stop 5 black guys from raping a white chick?....Throw them a basketball
Full Metal Jacket - 1987.
i like sex the way i play basketball. one-on-one with no unnecessary dribbling
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult - 1994.
1) I go to the university!
2) Which one?
1) The University of America!
2) I've never heard of that one.
1) It is a very small university. They do not even have a basketball team.
Coming to America - 1988.
I thought everybody in Indiana played basketball.
Hoosiers - 1986.
Do you know any good white basketball players? There are no good white basketball players, my friend.
Top Secret! - 1984.
Mary-kate- No Ashley. When a player gets hit in basketball it's called a foul.
Ashley- I thought a foul was when the ball gets hit out of bounds
Mary-kate- that's baseball
Ashley- So what's it called when the ball goes out of bounds in basketball
Mary-kate- Out of bounds!
Ashley- Now that makes sense
Mary-kate- It all makes sense!
Two of a Kind - 1983.
Hey, i know you, you're Kareem Abdul Jabbar....you play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers
Airplane! - 1980.
Basketball is staying in after school in your underwear.
Drive, He Said - 1971.
No, I don't hate you, John. I just hate basketball!
Meet Me in St. Louis - 1944======================