Quote by Barry Switzer
I'm reminded of a Barry Switzer quote. Do you know why everyone (but me) hates football coach Barry Switzer? He tends to be a little cocky sometimes. Yet, as a rule, he backed up his cocky talk.
Back in the glory days of Oklahoma University football, Barry was on top of the world. Barry knows defense.
Matter of fact, he learned his defense in Arkansas. Arkansans know their defense, if you've been paying attention to politics for the last eight years, you'd know that.
Anyway, one of the quotes that made people hate Barry Switzer was something he said one year before the Texas game. Barry had the Selmon Brothers, all three of them, on his defensive line. Oklahoma's defense was so good, the sports pages didn't list who #2 was.
Some sports writer asked Barry how he expected to do against the powerful "Texas scoring machine," and he said.
"We may play to a tie."
Puzzled, the reporter asked Barry what he meant by that.
Barry said, "Well, I don't think Texas can score on the Selmon brothers, so if we don't score, the worst Oklahoma can do is a 0-0 tie."