Quotes by and about Hockey Goalies
St. Louis Blues' coach Bob Berry on the amount of rubber goalie CURTIS JOSEPH, goaltender, St. Louis, sees in a game:
"I've got to get him a Goodyear endorsement."
(The Hockey News: Season in Review '93-94)
Detroit Red Wings' Dino Ciccarelli on playing ARTURS IRBE, goaltender, and his San Jose Sharks:
"How can you hate a team when you crash the crease and the goalie greets you with a friendly, 'Hello, Dino.'"
(The Hockey News: Season in Review '93-94)
Montreal Canadiens' KEN DRYDEN, on seeing himself on television:
"This was only the second time in my life I'd ever seen myself on television, and it shattered a lot of illusions. I looked like a big stiff. What a sobering experience. I always thought of myself as Nureyev on ice. But on TV, I realized that I was a dump truck. I was an elephant on wheels."
("Save! Hockey's Brave Goalies" by Hal Bock, 1974)
EMILE FRANCIS, goaltender, New York Rangers, describing how he handled a shooter who liked to use his head for target practice:
"One night he skated past me after winging one right by my ear. He stopped for a second and muttered, 'Watch out for me, Emile. I'm shooting a little high tonight.'
Next time he came by, I had caught the puck and I threw it way out to my left. While everyone was looking over there, I gave him a fine two-hander with the lumber. Right across the ankles.
While they were examining him, laid out on the ice, I skated over. [I reached the stricken skater and said] 'Hey, I'm sorry, but I'm hitting a little low tonight.'"
("Save! Hockey's Brave Goalies" by Hal Bock, 1974)
New York Rangers' goaltender GLENN HEALY, after his cage was pushed back into his forehead by a Mike Hudson slap shot in practice:
"(Mike) Hudson didn't make the mistake. The mistake was my dad when I was five years old, saying, "Glenn, you're going to be a goalie."
(The Hockey News: Season in Review '93-94)
ARTURS IRBE, goaltender, San Jose, responding to Winnipeg's Tie Domi after being informed that Domi intended to hurt Irbe in the near future:
"You should do that. You should try to do something interesting."
(Austin Murphy, "Goalmouth Goliaths", _Sports Illustrated_, 1993.)
KIRK MCLEAN, goaltender, Vancouver, on why he became a goaltender:
"After the hockey school I attended, there was a goalie school that was on afterwards and I always used to bug my father to stay. I guess you could say I was kind of intrigued by the instructor. I don't know why I was intrigued. If the goalie did something wrong, he'd have him out there doing push-ups."
("30-Second Third Degree", Hockey Digest, January 1995).
Austin Murphy, writer, on the lack of respect shown to goaltender DOMINIK HASEK by his own son:
(Hasek) even gets dissed at home. Last Friday night Hasek was torched for eight first-period goals in a game against the New Jersey Devils. With less than two minutes left in the period, he was put out of his misery: Using three clicks of a Super Nintendo button, Hasek's four-year-old son Michael, gave his old man the hook. While his father was memorizing prepositional phrases at the kitchen table for his weekly English tutorial, Michael burbled, "Poor Dominik. Poor Dominik."
(Austin Murphy, "Goalmouth Goliaths", _Sports Illustrated_, 1993.)
PATRICK ROY, experiencing his first Denver cab ride as a member of the Colorado Avalanche:
"The first week after the trade was bizarre for everyone involved, especially Roy, who hopped into a taxi at the Denver airport with [Mike] Keane on December 7 for a ride to McNichols Arena, where they would play their first game with the Avalanche that night.
"McNichols Arena, please," Roy said.
Cabbie: "So, are you guys hockey players?"
Roy: "That's right."
Cabbie: "So what do you think of this new goalie the Avalanche got?"
Roy: "I hear he's a nice guy."
Cabbie: I don't know about that, but I don't know if he's as good as the team says. They're talking like we've got the Stanley Cup all wrapped up. I don't buy it.""
(Larry Wigge, "Roy's Redemption", The Sporting News Hockey Yearbook 1996-97, p. 23)
New York Rangers goaltender GUMP WORSLEY comparing the profession of goaltending with other popular jobs:
"The only job worse is a javelin catcher at a track-and-field meet."
(The Official National Hockey League 75th Anniversary Commemorative Book, 1991)