"I hope there's a stewardess on this flight!"
( Popular crack of the bat remark)
NOTE: Some terms may be preceded by adjectives such as huge, nasty, titanic, immaculate, supreme, gigantic, ugly, phat, meteoric, etc.
Home run -- Homer -- Long ball -- 4-bagger -- Round-tripper -- Circuit clout -- The big fly -- The big tomato (grand slam) -- Gettysburg Address (grand slam) -- Salami (grand slam) -- Slap -- Bomb -- Dinger -- Dong -- Crack -- Cracker -- Tater -- Whack -- Slam -- Blast -- Clout -- Jack -- Knock -- Swat -- Pat -- Wallop -- Shot -- Belt -- Jolt -- Sock -- Clock -- Spank -- Cookie -- Smash -- Yack -- Donk -- Poke -- Bonk -- Bolt -- Cork -- Fatty -- Grenade -- Moonball -- Moonshot --
THE ACT OF HITTING HOME RUNS (may also appear in past tense)
Getting it outta here -- Going deep -- Going downtown -- Going upper tank -- Going yard -- Going zone -- Rocking the crib -- Teeing off -- Busting out the whoopin' stick -- Bringing the long ball to the party -- Bringing the lumber -- Bringing the heavy lumber -- Rattling the rafters -- Taking out the trash -- Getting rid of the junk -- Getting rid of the hanging junk -- Getting rid of the fonk -- Gettin jiggy wit it -- Laying wood -- Clocking out -- Doing the yardwork -- Dialing 8
"Get out of here!" -- "Good-bye!" -- "Gone!" -- "Yahtzee!" -- "NNNext!" -- "Gong!" -- "Yard!" -- "Surprise!" -- "Elvis has left the building!" -- "Somebody call 911, cause there's paaaain in this house!" -- "Bring the car around, cause I am the hell outta here!" -- "Mama, we're all crazy now!" -- "Can I get a witness from the congregation?!" -- "All aboard!" -- "Bring your appetite, cause there's tater bein' served!" -- "Looks like sody pop... watch it fizz!" -- "Excuse me while I whip this out!" -- "You better bring 'dem floaties, cause I'm going deep!" -- "Incoming!" -- "Lemme give you a hand with that" -- "Sir, you have insulted my people and for that you must pay" -- "Lock and load!" -- "Pine trees!" -- "So long Mr. Spalding!" -- "Hoooly Toledo! That ball is OUUUUUUTTA here!" -- "That's so far out it's RuPaul" -- "That must be a Homer cause the pitcher just said 'D'oh!!'" -- "Open a window Aunt Nellie - here it comes!" -- "aaaaawwwwwwwyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeh!" -- "I hope there's a stewardess on this flight!" -- "He uncorked that baby!" -- "Buy Sam a drink and get his dog one too!" -- "Hoooly Toledo! I think we got taters tonight!"-- "He's smiling like a butcher's dog!" -- "He shoots... he scores!!" -- "Get out the rye bread and mustard grandma, it's grand salami time!" (GS) -- "Whoooooooa Nellie!" -- "The National Weather Service has issued a home run watch for the Houston metropolitan area..." -- "This concludes our broadcast day" -- "Get in the fast lane grandma cause the bingo game's about to ROLL!" -- "You better dial 8 - for long distance!" -- "I am the King of the diamond! -- "I am the king of all baseball, I demand a feast with the finest of meats and cheeses for everyone!" -- "My powers are great and beyond your understanding" -- "Warning track, wall, you can touch 'em all" -- "Get out your leather mama, that ain't no beanie baby!" -- "Ding Dong, the curveball's dead!" -- "I'm not a player, I just crush a lot" -- "Whip up some gravy 'cause that baby's mashed!" -- "BOO-YA!!!" -- "BAM! Do you like what you see?!!!" -- "You can kiss it goodbye!" -- "I don't know what kind of pitch this is but it tastes like chicken!" -- "There's no need to valet, I'm gonna park it myself!" -- "Umm...that's never gonna land." -- "Da-na-na.. Da-na-na!" -- "Trot sequence activated." -- "Light the cannons boys!" -- "Got Milk?" -- "LEAVE!" -- Put your tray tables and seat backs in their locked position. We are number 1 for takeoff..." -- "here's a little somethin' for the people up top!" -- "where should I put this?" -- "that one caught the jet stream" -- "Hey look, he won a steak!" -- "One, two, three, fo', that one's in the seventh row" --