An ode to the National Pastime
For baseball fans, spring training is the salad to the main course.
The salad is now being served and the main course will immediately follow.
Now is the time for one fan's ode to the game he loves!
A Baseball Love Letter
Published by Michael Walsh on February 14, 2009 12:18 am
The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love. - Bryant Gumbel, 1981
This Valentine’s Day I thought that, in the tradition of the great bards, I would write an ode to my one true love. An ode replete with all of the things I hold dear about my one and only. An ode to the one that gives me hope, brings me joy and forever fills me with child-like optimism. Of course, that love is baseball.
I love opening day and the renewed sense that this year will be the year for my beloved Cubbies.
I love the way the grass looks greener and the sky seems bluer after the umpire yells, “play ball!”
I love doubleheaders, double plays, double steals, Double Duty Radcliffe and, well, doubles…
I love the eephus pitch and the circle change; the splitter, the spitter and the four seamer.
I love to hate the Yankees.
I love singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” at the top of my lungs during the seventh inning stretch.
I love chin music.
I love Goose Gossage, Ducky Medwick, and Paul Byrd.
I love the tools of ignorance.
I love Willie, Mickey and the Duke.
I love overpriced hot dogs and watered-down beer (both taste great when you’re sitting in the cheap seats in the 104 degree summer sun).
I love line drives into the gap.
I love Moose Skowron and Rob Deer.
I love nasty breaking stuff.
I love Tinkers to Evers to Chance.
I love bleacher seats and bleacher bums.
I love the suicide squeeze.
I love Murderer’s Row, ‘Dem Bums and The Gashouse Gang.
I love The Big Donkey, Mule Haas and The Wild Hoss of the Osage.
I love the Spaceman, the Moon-man and The Rocket.
I love the Called Shot, the Shot Heard ‘Round the World (but not Marge Schott…).
I love that no two ball parks are alike.
I love 60 feet 6 inches.
I love the crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd and the Champagne celebration.
I love Steve Bartman, the Billy Goat and the Black Cat (some things you just have to accept).
I love Rickey talking about Rickey and I love Manny being Manny.
I love the Big Unit, the Big Hurt, the Big Train, and Big Papi.
I love Little Luis Aparicio, Little Joe Morgan and the Little Professor.
I love 6-4-3 double plays.
I love inside-the-parkers and walk-off blasts.
I love watching the third base coach give the signs.
I love knee-buckling 12 to 6 curve balls (good ol’ Uncle Charlie!).
I love Jackie Robinson for making baseball what it had always purported to be – America’s Game.
I love King Kelly, Mel Queen and Prince Fielder.
I love Happy Chandler and Sad Sam Jones.
I love Lee May, June Greene, Don August and Mr. October.
I love full counts and Count Montefusco.
I love the Texas leaguer, the dying quail and the can a corn.
I love the Bronx Cheer.
I love the Mendoza Line.
I love three up, three down.
I love hustling in and hustling out.
I love Ryan Church, Preacher Roe and Jesus Alou.
I love Bud Black and Roy White; Red Schoendist and Shawn Green; Vida Blue and Mordecai Brown.
I love the Crime Dog and The Big Cat.
I love extra innings.
I love Chili Davis, Pepper Martin, and Bob Spicer.
I love Candy Cummings, Coco Crisp and Sweet Lou Whitaker.
I love to hear my grandfather say that “none of these guys could hit like Gehrig.”
I love to hear my father say that “none of these guys could hit like Aaron.”
I love knowing that none of those guys could hit like Pujols.
I love the box seat and the box score.
I love the Bash Brothers (still…).
I love day games played on real grass in National League parks (so the pitcher has to take his cuts).
I love that Junior and Senior got to play together.
I love explaining the infield fly rule to my girlfriend for the fifteenth time.
I love watching Lou Piniella lose his cool.
I love plays at the plate.
I love head-first slides.
I love that Jamie Moyer is still pitching.
I love that moment of realization during a perfecto when someone asks, “has anyone been on base?”
I love being on the road and finding a game on the radio.
I love the way I feel like a kid again when I am at the ballpark.
I love the way that the game can break my heart and then make it soar all in the span of a few plays.
I love that on the worst summer days baseball is there to take my mind off of my troubles, fears and doubts.
But most of all, I love baseball.
And, no matter what anyone says about my game or my heroes it will always be pure in my heart because love is blind.
I see none of its flaws and love it for its outer and inner beauty.
Do yourself a favor this season – forget all of the talk about steroids and collusion and mismanagement and greedy players and just enjoy the game that we all hold so dear.
Just love the game. You’ll thank yourself later.