August 13, 2008
Ridiculous Statistics - Dominance
The difference between Tiger Woods’ #1 ranking and Phil Mickelson’s #2 ranking is a wider margin than that between #2 Mickelson and the 110th ranked player in the world.
I apologize for not knowing or understanding the point system than goes into ranking golfers, but I do not think that it makes much of a difference, considering the sheer ridiculousness of that stat.
Michael Phelps has as many gold medals in this Olympics than Great Britain, France, Spain, and Russia - combined.
In fact, if Phelps were his own country, he would be tied with South Korea and a Phelps-less USA for second in gold medals.Obviously, the dominance of Michael Phelps is remarkable, but this really puts it into perspective.
Michael Phelps has more career gold medals (11) than the entire history of India (8).
This is even more remarkable. Granted they are not known for their athletic achievements, outside of maybe squash and cricket (both non-Olympic events), but India has more than one billion people and has competed at 22 different Olympiads. Phelps is one person and has competed at 2 Olympiads.
Babe Ruth hit 54 home runs in 1920. That same year, the St. Louis Browns were second in the AL in home runs–as a team–with 50.
The 1920 Boston Red Sox hit 22.Now, I know that this Babe Ruth stuff has been done and done again, but this is absolutely remarkable. This one guy hit more home runs than any other TEAM. His individual total was almost TRIPLE that of the entire Boston team. Oh, and by the way, George Sisler was second in home runs, behind the Babe, with 19.
Roy Oswalt is 21-1 against the Cincinnati Reds.
Now, I do love the random stat, but this one is ridiculous. Yes, I know that Roy Oswalt is one of the best pitchers on the era. And, yes, I know that the Cincinnati Reds have really struggled during Oswalt’s career, but TWENTY-ONE and ONE?!?