BASEBALL QUOTESBaseball quotes cited on a St. Louis Cardinal baseball forum
When I was 10 or 11 I was reading one of the season previews in some publication and talking about one teams pitching had this to say about one starter:
Bob Walk, couldn't be more aptly named if he were called Bob Enormousearnedrunaverage.
Andujar when questioned why he wasn't stretching - "Babe Ruth never stretched".
Ian Snell on facing Albert Pujols :
"When I face him, I try not to think about what I'm going to do. Because I know he knows what I'm thinking."
On best way to pitch to Stan Musial:
"I would throw him my best pitch and back up third base."
Carl Erskine
"I would throw him 4 wide ones and try to pick him off first."
Don Drysdale
"Jim Pagliaroni joined the club tonight and is going to be a welcome addition. He was describing a girl that one of the ballplayers had been out with and said, 'It's hard to say exactly what she looked like. She was kind of a Joe Torre with ---.'
This joke can only be explained with a picture of Joe Torre. But I'm not sure any exist - he dissolves camera lenses."
-- Jim Bouton, Ball Four
"Why throw 4 pitches when you can throw 1?"
Randy Johnson on walking a guy
"That guy always hits a grand slam with the bases loaded."
"If the batter didn't see it, how did the ump?" on a Bob Gibson called strike 3 fastball.
"That's a really high sky today, more so than normal."
(Last 3 quotes are from Yogi's brother, Razz (smile))