Blogger presents his favorite wrestling quotes
I’ll kick your teeth so far down your throat you can chew your own ass up for pissing me off.
The Undertaker
I can’t jump high so I jump from high places
Mick Foley
So you like picking on women, huh? So why don’t you pick on me?
Kevin Nash (evidently confused about his gender) to Test
Heenan: That’s my second favourite song.
Monsoon: I’m almost afraid to ask. Whats your favourite?
Heenan: All the rest are tied.
Bobby Heenan commenting on Hulk Hogan’s entrance music
I would rather hurt a man than love a woman
Mick Foley (as Cactus jack)
Hardy Boys, Boyz with a ‘Z’. Is that Z supposed to scare us or something?
What are you talking about you frosty haired reekazoid?
Christian to Michael Cole
As times goes by, as times goes by, they say “he’s washed up”, “he’s finished”, “he’s a loser”, “he’s all through”. You know what? The only one that’s going to tell me when I’m through doing my thing is you people here.
Mickey Rourke as “The Ram” in the movie The Wrestler
God, this is Billy. I just won the King of the Ring, but everyone still hates me because I absolutely suck!
The Rock
I became the first ever Euro-continental champion in WWF history. Well, besides D-Lo Brown, but he doesn’t count.
Kurt Angle
Undertaker, if that is your real name…
Kurt Angle
I was dating a guy that was a huge wrestling fan and I’m embarrassed to say it now but I used to make fun of him for watching it.
Torrie Wilson
Wrestling is ballet with violence.
Jesse Ventura
The only reason you were WWE Champion for almost a year was because Triple H didn’t want to work Tuesdays.
Paul Heyman to JBL
I have balls the size of grapefruits, and come this Sunday you’ll be spitting out the seeds!
Vince McMahon
The frequencies in my head are not known to normals…
Ultimate Warrior, hitting the nail on the head
Girls, you can’t be the first, but you can be next.
Ric Flair
That’ll make your back crack, your liver quiver and your knees freeze.
Dusty Rhodes
You’ve got a lot of class, and it’s all low.
The Rock
Just when you think you know the answers, I change the questions.
Roddy Piper
This is what we thought was John’s room but there was wrestling boots and since John can’t wrestle I wasn’t sure.
Edge (at John Cena’s home)
I have resolved to wake up an hour earlier each day so I can hate you just a little bit longer.
William Regal