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A football blogger presents a humorous view of player personalities in the NFL
If draft picks were selected because of personalities or character, there wouldn't be an NFL..
It was amusing Friday to hear some people talk about Texas outside linebacker Sergio Kindle being a little "strange." I actually liked his excitement and passion for the game in the brief time we were allowed to interview him. The kid is immature, like most rookies, but he'll fit in here in Baltimore. If draft picks were selected because of personalities or character, there wouldn't be an NFL.
Over the years, the Ravens have had some characters, and they all had certain characteristics which made them special. Below are some of the best in Ravens history:
Errict Rhett, RB: Rhett talked and answered himself. If Rhett didn't feel like talking to Rhett, he would start talking to anybody or anything.
Bam Morris, RB: Morris had two personalities; There was the Bama-Rama, who spent a lot of time in the slamma. And then there was Byron Morris, who was a really nice guy when he wasn't Bama-Rama.
Orlando Brown, OT: Nice guy, but plum loco on Sunday afternoons.
Tony Siragusa, DT: The Goose could be abusive and offensive at times, but he could also be charming and extremely funny.
Sam Adams, DT: He was nicknamed "Sybil" because of his multiple personalties.
Bennie Thompson, S: Pound for pound, he was the meanest and toughest player ever to wear a Ravens uniform. He lived off chewing tobacco.
Billy Davis, WR: This man used to prepare for games by running around the locker room naked with only a helmet on.
Ralph Staten, S: Terrible guy, plum loco all the time.
Eric Green, TE: By the time he came to Baltimore, he was finished as a tight end. He never practiced, and occasionally appeared in the lineup on Sunday's during the two seasons he played in Baltimore. Green gave new meaning to the term of a player "stealing money."
Michael McCrary, DE: McCrary was an oversized kid who never got over his love for toys. He liked to ride around in a tank, and had his own rocket pack which he like to fly in the deserts in Arizona.
Derrick Alexander, WR: He may have coined the term "dog" before it became popular. "What up dog?" "Get away from my locker dog". "Michael Jackson is my dog" Ironically, Alexander never owned one. He once ate lobster by cracking them with his teeth.
Steve Everitt, C: He was a flower child who should have lived in the 1960s.
Ed Reed, S: His mood changes as often as he changes socks, or hooded sweat shirts.
Greg Montgomery, P: He never made any sense, and often had crazy theories on why the United States went to war against Vietnam, and how the U.S. spies on other countries with their nuclear submarines. He had tatoos in places that were unimaginable.