Sportscaster Hawk Harrelson Quotes
Hawk's baseball catch phrases:
"I tell you what" - used at beginning or end of any statement for emphasis
"I am telling you what" - see above
"I am going to tell you what" - see above
"I am fixin' to tell you what" - see above
"Boy I tell you what"- see above
"Hiney Bird" - a bird that flies in perfectly executed concentric circles until it flies up his own behind and disappears forever (a reference to Jay Mariotti.)
"Sit Back, Relax, and Strap it Down!" - when the pre-game analysis of the two teams ends
"That's a can o' corn" - when any batter hits a lazy fly ball"
"That ball hit deep. Waaaaaaaaaay back. He looks up, you can put it on the booooooooooooooaaaaaaard...YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!"
(D.J. joins in) - when a Sox batter hits a home run
"Mercy!" - usually after a great play, or when the White Sox are having a big inning
"HE GONE!" - when a Sox pitcher strikes out an opposing batter
"Right size, wrong shape." - when a ball with home run distance goes foul
"Rack 'em up!" - when Sox defenders successfully execute a double play
"Duck snort" - a short, hard fly ball that lands in the gap between an infielder and an outfielder
"STRETCH!" - when a Sox batter hits a deep ball that has the potential to go over the wall for a home run
"Souvenir right/left side" - when a player hits a ball foul into the stands on the left or right side
"Hang whoop'um" - when a player hits a hard line drive right to an infielder
"Zone 'em in, Reel 'em in, and light her up" - when a Sox player has a count with 3 balls, meaning to draw a walk
"You can cancel the postgame show" - when a batter breaks up a pitcher's no-hit bid
"Grab some bench!" - when a Sox pitcher strikes out an opposing batter
"Gas" - when a Sox pitcher throws a fastball on which the batter whiffs
"WAY BACK!" - when a Sox player hits a ball so far it is a no-doubt home run
"Get foul!" - when an opposing player hits a ball that might go foul, and will be serious trouble for the Sox if it doesn't.
"Stay will!" - when a Sox player hits a ball that might go foul, but doesn't
"That ball was kilt" - when a Sox player hits a ball (usually a long homerun) with tremendous force
"Sacks packed with Sox" - when the Sox are batting and have the bases loaded
"That'll load 'em up" - a play (usually a base on balls) loading the bases while the Sox are batting
"Time to cinch it up and hunker down" - when a batter has two strikes and is behind in the count
"Chopper Two Hopper" - when a batter swings down on a pitch and hits a two hopper to an infielder
"And here's (Player) He's Due" - When the player coming to the plate has no hits in the game
"It's Sock it Thome time!" - whenever Sox slugger Jim Thome comes to bat in a crucial situation and Hawk has a strong feeling he will come through
"Come on (Player's number, e.g. 24) One time" - when Hawk is hoping for clutch heroics from an unlikely source
"That one had eyes on it" - referring to a sharp line drive hit by a player
"Watch out" - when a player lines a foul ball into the stands
"That'll get the job done" - when a Sox batter sacrifices a baserunner, often a fly ball, to bring him home
"But the damage is done" - when the Sox end a productive inning
"But a crooked number goes up on the board" - after a team scored two or more runs in an inning
"Look at dis" - when the Sox get a timely hit or make a great defensive gem
"Man, that is some B.S. right there" - when Hawk gets extremely angry at an umpire's call
"He's got a chance to be something special" - when Hawk is optimistic about a young player's future (usually right after, "Boy I tell you what")
"He just missed it" - when a Sox batter hits a deep fly ball, almost a home run
"C'mon (Player), first and third him" - when there's a runner on first and Hawk wants a single to right field
"Dreaded leadoff walk" - when a Sox player walks the first batter of an inning
"Lance Johnson jump" - when a baserunner takes a nearly suicidal leadoff when attempting to steal a base (a reference to the great Sox base stealer Lance Johnson)
"Get on back there, stretch, c'mon STRETCH!" - when a ball just barely makes it over the fence
"Down to the last bullet" - when a team has two strikes and two outs in their final inning
"Ball four base hit" - when a Sox hitter has a full count and Hawk wants either a walk or a hit on the next pitch
"That's trouble" - when the opposing team gets a hit to score at least one run
"Give 'em a thrill" - when a Sox player has a chance to make the crowd roar with excitement
"Feisty" - Hawk's nickname for broadcast partner D.J.
"Your what hurts?" - Hawk's response to any slightly homoerrotic comment by broadcast partner D.J.
"Where was that pitch?" - when the umpire calls a ball that Hawk thinks was a strike
"Before we show you our picks to click you at home select yours" - referring to the daily contest between anouncers which player will have the best game
"I loooooove that duck." - when Hawk expresses his love for the duck that shows up on the graphic for the daily Aflac Trivia Question
"Carmines" - the nickname Hawk has for the Red Sox (carmine is a shade of red)
"Twinkies" - the nickname Hawk has for the Twins
"And this OVA!!" - after the Sox earn a victory (especially emphatic if it is an exciting game)
"That'll end the [inning number]. Good guys in trouble." - after the opposing team ends their half of the inning and the Sox are down a lot of runs
"Did he? Yes he did!" - when an opposing batter strikes out on a close check-swing
"There's a base hit up the middle right through the wickets." - after a base hit through the pitcher's legs
"Pickett (Pick it) Wilson!" - after a Sox infielder makes a tough play on a ground ball
"Carmine derriere" - Hawk's affectionate term for a fiercely competitive player
"I love fireworks in the day time." - Hawk says when during a day game a Sox player hits a home run and the stadium shoots off fireworks.
"Lookin' for it, got it, couldn't do nothing with it" - when a Sox player guesses correctly what/where the next pitch will be, and just misses hitting it well.
"Suck'em up Joe" - when the opposing team hits a ball towards third baseman Joe Crede.
While playing for the Athletics, Harrelson invented the batting glove by wearing a golf glove while batting, according to The Dickson Baseball Dictionary, by Paul Dickson.