Image: kalumriverlodge.com
"Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger."
- Herbert Hoover
"The fish and I were both stunned and disbelieving to find ourselves connected by a line."
- William Humphrey in "The Armchair Angler"
"I've gone fishing thousands of times in my life, and I have never once felt unlucky or poorly paid for those hours on the water."
- William Tapply "A Fly-Fishing Life"
"I look into... my fly box, and think about all the elements I should consider in choosing the perfect fly: water temperature, what stage of development the bugs are in, what the fish are eating right now. Then I remember what a guide told me: 'Ninety percent of what a trout eats is brown and fuzzy and about five-eighths of an inch long."
- Allison Moir
"In every species of fish I've angled for, it is the ones that have got away that thrill me the most, the ones that keep fresh in my memory. So I say it is good to lose fish. If we didn't, much of the thrill of angling would be gone."
- Ray Bergman
"The best fisherman I know try not to make the same mistakes over and over again; instead they strive to make new and interesting mistakes and to remember what they learned from them."
- John Gierach "Fly Fishing the High Country"
"If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies"
- Bob Lawless
"...buying a fly rod in the average city store, that is, joining it up and safely waggling it a bit, is much like seeing a woman's arm protruding from a car window: all one can readily be sure of is that the window is open."
- Anatomy of a Fisherman by Robert Traver
"In these sad and ominous days of mad fortune chasing, every patriotic, thoughtful citizen, whether he fishes or not, should lament that we have not among our countrymen more fishermen."
- Grover Cleveland
"The Essentials of a Good Fly-Hook: The temper of an angel and penetration of a prophet; fine enough to be invisible and strong enough to kill a bull in a ten-acre field."
- G.S. Marryat
"Just as in cooking there's no such thing as a little garlic, in fishing there's no such thing as a little drag."
- H.G. Tapply The Sportsman's Notebook
"Smoked carp tastes just as good as smoked salmon when you ain't got no smoked salmon."
- Patrick F. McManus
"I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution."
- John Gierach
"Fly tackle has improved considerably since 1676, when Charles Cotton advised anglers to 'fish fine and far off,' but no one has ever improved on that statement."
- John Gierach
"Creeps and idiots cannot conceal themselves for long on a fishing trip."
- John Gierach
"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it. What happens is that you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore."
- John Gierach
"If fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business."
- Sparse Grey Hackle
"I used to like fishing because I thought it had some larger significance. Now I like fishing because it's the one thing I can think of that probably doesn't."
-John Gierach
"Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough, it will sooner or later become the right fly."
- John Gierach
"There will be days when the fishing is better than one's most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home."
- Roderick Haig-Brown
"The trout do not rise in the cemetery, so you better do your fishing while you are still able."
- Sparse Grey Hackle
"I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret."
- Roderick Haig-Brown
"Most fishermen swiftly learn that it's a pretty good rule never to show a favorite spot to any fisherman you wouldn't trust with your wife"
- John Voelker
"You do not cease to fish because you get old, You get old because you cease to fish!"
- unkown
"All the romance of trout fishing exists in the mind of the angler and is in no way shared by the fish."
- Harold F. Blaisdell
"Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it..."
- Harry Middleton