Welcome to the retirement edition of Funny Sports Quotes.
The Funny Sports Quotes blog was created in 11/2007 after I could see I could become a blogger very easily using Google's 3-step process for creating a blog online.
For me, like most, work is not my idea of a fun experience, so I had to choose the topic that I would most enjoy pursuing and that, for me, was finding and posting funny sports quotes for entertaining and, in some cases, educating an audience on facets of sports even the most ardent sports fans may not have been aware of.
At the same time, I decided to compile a database of funny sports quotes that sports fans and quote fans could visit for "one-stop" shopping, thereby helping them to avoid the need to search elsewhere for sports quotes.
So, from 11/2007 until 2/2011. I have compiled quotes on the Funny Sports Quotes blog and its sister blog, FSQuotes, that is accessible only from the Funny Sports Quotes blog.
As of 2/26/2011, I believe I have achieved my objective first set in 11/2007, which signals for me the end of my funny sports quotes database project.
Kindly note that I have already made the last post (SI Swimsuit) to the blog, shut off further entries to Comments, and I will shut off the email address sports.quotes@gmail.com on 03/14/2011.
Also note that many features previously cited on this page have been removed, so that a bare-bones FSQ remains for your future reference.
I do hope that my venture was successful in bringing a smile to your face or a skip to your step, since that was all FSQ was created for, your entertainment and pleasure.
In closing, I wish you and yours, Godspeed!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

Image: impawards.com
Related topics: Motocross, Dirt Bikes, Motor Sports
Part I: Quotes from the movie Motorcycle Diaries
Plot Summary: Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
Twenty-three year old medical student Ernesto Guevara de la Serna - Fuser to his friends and later better known as 'Ernesto Che Guevara' - one semester away from graduation, decides to postpone his last semester to accompany his twenty-nine year old biochemist friend Alberto Granado - Mial to his friends - on his four month, 8,000 km long dream motorcycle trip throughout South America starting from their home in Buenos Aires. Their quest is to see things they've only read about in books about the continent on which they live, and to finish that quest on Alberto's thirtieth birthday on the other side of the continent in the Guajira Peninsula in Venezuela. Not all on this trip goes according to their rough plan due to a broken down motorbike, a continual lack of money (they often stretching the truth to gain the favor of a variety of strangers to help them), arguments between the two in their frequent isolation solely with each other, their raging libidos which sometimes get them into trouble, and dealing with Fuser's chronic asthma. But a chance encounter with a couple of Communists in the Chilean desert and an extended visit to the San Pablo Leper Colony in the Perúvian Amazon Basin among other things profoundly affects what each will want to do with his life and the bond each has with the other. Written by Huggo
Movie Trailer: Motorcycle Diaries
Click here to view ===> MOVIE TRAILER
Movie Quotes: Motorcycle Diaries
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: What we had in common - our restlessness, our impassioned spirits, and a love for the open road.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Wandering around our America has changed me more than I thought. I am not me any more. At least I'm not the same me I was.
Click here to view ===> MOVIE QUOTES
Source: imdb.com

Image: farm3.static.flickr.com
Part II: Dirt Biker Quotes
I never lose. I only run out of laps, gas, or time.
Careful maintenance and preparation is critical to making your dirt bike is reliable enough to tow your buddy's bike back to the truck.
Winning riders never have "left over" parts.
Click here to view ===> DIRT BIKER QUOTES
Source: dirtbikeblogger.blogspot.com

Image: future-motorcycles.com



- Your best friends are named after animals.

- Your best shoes have steel toes.

- You have motorcycle parts in the dishwasher.

- Your idea of jewelry is chains and barbwire.

- You can tell what kind of bugs they are by the taste of them.

- You ever bought saddlebags so you can carry more beer.

- You’re only sunburned on the back of your hands.

- You carry a picture of your bike in your wallet.

- Any day you ride is a good day.

- Your other vehicle is a truck with motorcycle ramps in it.

- Your three piece suit is Chaps, Leather Vests & a Leather Jacket.

- Your kids learn to ride on the back of your bike before they can walk.

- Your garage has more square footage than your house.

- Your coffee table collapses from the weight of motorcycle magazines

- You throw a party and more bikes show up than cars.
Source: jokesfunny.wordpress.com

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

Image: amazon.com
Website presents baseball quotes by Dustin Pedroia
Click here to view ===> BASEBALL QUOTES
Source: nesn.com

Bonus Entry:
Red Sox Fan Handbook
“The worst curse in life is unlimited potential.”
—Ken Brett, a journeyman pitcher whose brother, Hall of Famer George Brett, said Ken was the best hitter in the family.
“That’s what they get for building a ballpark next to the ocean.”
—Oil Can Boyd after the Red Sox win a fog-shortened game against the Indians at Municipal Stadium in Cleveland, on the shores of Lake Erie.
“The sun will rise, the sun will set, and I’ll have lunch.”
—Sox GM Lou Gorman on Roger Clemens walking out of training camp in 1987 as part of a contract dispute.
Click here to view ===> BASEBALL QUOTES II
Source: redsoxfanhandbook.net

Image: 4.bp.blogspot.com
Bonus Entry:
Website presents baseball quotes (trash talking and slang talking) by
former major league player and minor league coach Skeeter Barnes.
"Show 'em where ya live."
"Let a kite string out."
"Kick mule!"
"Yeah ya ain't."
"Run like hell."
"Hit us a sac fly."
"Hit it over that New Grape sign."
"Yall putting me to sleep."
"Is that Good's brother out there, No Good?"
"It's called cetch, not fetch."
"You hitting today, or ya hoping?"
"Tip the clubby on your way out."
"Half man, half mule."
Source: baseball-reference.com

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

Image (Celtic): ecx.images-amazon.com
Image (Cricket): upload.wikimedia.org
Website presents Celtic soccer quotes from a soccer quotes book review
"Is it OK if I give him a skelp if he steps out of line?"
Jock Stein to Billy MacNeill's mum when he signed for Celtic in 1957. She agreed !
David Tanner (Sky Sports) "Chris, just what is it that has made Celtic Champions this year?"
Chris Sutton reply: "We got more points than anyone else".
Click here to view ===> SOCCER QUOTES
Source: soccer-ireland.com
Bonus Entry:
Ten Reasons Why Football (Soccer) is Better Than Cricket
Excerpt from blogger's page:
Have to admit it, I like cricket, I enjoy playing it and watching it. But there is still that nagging feeling that the only reason I really enjoy it is because of the void left by another sport. Namely football.
End of excerpt
Click here to view ===> SOCCER \ CRICKET HUMOR
Source: soccerlens.com

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: saddoboxing.com

Image: 2.bp.blogspot.com
Anon (on Don Cockell):
He is the biggest thing on canvas since "The Wreck of the Hesperus".
Harry Kabakoff (on Chango Cruz):
The bum was up and down so many times I thought he was an Otis elevator.
Tony Sibson (on being beaten in a match):
I figured I'd find him sooner or later but I never did. I asked myself "Where did he go?" I knew he was there because he kept hitting me.
When God said to the both of us "Which one of you wants to be Sugar Ray?" I guess I didnt raise my hand fast enough
--- Charley Burley
Roy Jones jr vs Antonio Tarver After the Ref asked if there were an questions Tarver said " You Got Anymore Excuses Roy" and then Knocked him the Fuk out in the 2nd round.
Ricardo Mayorga at a press confrence before Mayorga-Forrest"
"Forrest has disrespected me twice. Not only for being to chicken to show up (Forrest didn't show at the press conference) but fathers day just passed and he didn't send me a card"
Ref: "OK I've explained the rules does anyone have any questions?"
Larry Holmes: "Yeah, can you count to 10?"
Vinny Pazienza : Whan the legs go like spagetti...* I'm all over em like the sauce!
Asked of Paz why he was so amped after he almost KO'd the ref when he KO'd Rossenblatt :
I had 4 Capachinos before I came out here!!!* I wanted to knock everybody out!!
From the Saddoboxing forum:
I just saw a quote from Kendall Holt saying if he and Vivian Harris meet "there's going to be some slow singing and flower bringing."

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: angelfire.com


Website presents quotes by and about NHL goaltenders.
"In hockey, goaltending is 75 percent of the game. Unless it's bad goaltending. Then it's 100 percent of the game, because you're going to lose."
~ Gene Ubriaco
"Yes, and I also like jumping out of tall buildings."
~ John Vanbiesbrouck, asked if he liked facing 51 shots in a game.
"The only job worse is a javelin catcher at a track-and-field meet."

~ Gump Worsley, on goaltending

Click here to view ===> HOCKEY QUOTES


FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

Image: drybonesproject.com
Website presents political cartoons about sports stars Tiger Woods and Mark McGuire
Click here to view ===> SPORTS HUMOR
Source: politicalhumor.about.com
Bonus Entry:
G O L F H O L E S ...Not Too Famous Quips
Click here to view ===> GOLF HUMOR
Source: golfholes.com

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: rivals.yahoo.com

Image: offthemarkcartoons.com
Website presents the top ten one-liners from a roast of Bobby Knight.
Ex-Big Ten referee Dan Chrisman on the red, white and black plaid jacket Knight often wore in the 1970s at Indiana:
"It is a walking technical foul."
Knight interrupting Bilas while he introduced Chrisman:
"Dan Chrisman couldn't see worth a damn when he was officiating, so I have to help him find his seat."
Click here to view ===> BASKETBALL QUOTES

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: reellifewisdom.com

Image: istockphoto.com
Website presents bicycling quotes from movies.
Click here to view ===> BICYCLING QUOTES