Part I: New York Yankee Quotes From the History of the Franchise
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Source: itsallaboutthemoney.net
– Willie Stargell, after Allen once hit a home run over the left-center field roof of Philadelphia's Connie Mack Stadium.
"Allen was scary at the plate. When he came up there, he had your attention. I want to forget a couple of line drives he hit off me, but I can’t because they almost killed me."
– Mickey Lolich
"If a horse won't eat it, I don't want to play on it."
– His own quote on artificial turf.
"I never worry about it. I just take my three swings and go sit on the bench. I'm afraid if I ever think about hitting it, I'll mess up my swing for life."
– His quote on hitting the knuckleball
"Bob Gibson was so mean he would knock you down and then meet you at home plate to see if you wanted to make something of it."
"I can play anywhere; First, Third, Left field, anywhere but Philadelphia."
Source: en.wikipedia.org
But today, let's talk Weaver.
Let's talk about that bantam rooster with the cotton haircut who ran the Baltimore Orioles, made umpires' lives miserable, smoked Raleighs because he collected the coupons, won 108 games in the 1970 season and always, always, always preferred a three-run homer to something as overrated as, oh, strategy.
Earl Weaver, who once blamed constant travel as the reason he gave up baseball, saying, "What scares the hell out of me is waking up dead some morning in the Hyatt Hotel in Oakland."
Earl Weaver, who once reacted to umpire Ron Luciano's hiring as a commentator for television, saying, "I hope he takes this job more seriously than he took his last one."
Earl Weaver, who once expressed reluctance to be a TV commentator himself, saying, "I have to admit that Maury Wills proved as a broadcaster that experience on the field doesn't always result in insights."
Earl Weaver, who once recalled Billy Martin trying a guy named Shooty Babitt at second base, then saying to him, "Earl, if you ever see Shooty Babitt playing second base for me again, I want you to shooty me."
Earl Weaver, who once rode Lou Piniella so hard from the dugout that Piniella stepped out of the batter's box and shouted, "You better get off me or I'm gonna hit you in the head with this bat."
Earl Weaver, who once was handed the ball on the mound by Jim Palmer, who said, "Here, you pitch, Earl. You know so much."
Earl Weaver, the 5-foot-6 manager of whom the 6-3 Palmer once said, "Did you ever notice Earl always goes to the highest spot on the mound when he comes out?"
Earl Weaver, who defended himself by saying, "I'd rather be small of stature than a mental midget."
Earl Weaver, who once was diagnosed with an elbow nerve disorder, then told the doctor, "I must have caught it from Jim Palmer."
Earl Weaver, who once taped a note above Palmer's locker, reading, "Happy Father's Day. Now grow up."
Source: latimes.com
After the Phillies won the 1980 National League Championship Series in the 10th inning of an 8-7 game filled with sensational plays, he said, "It was like riding through an art gallery on a motorcycle."
"Ten million years from now, when the sun burns out and the earth is just a frozen iceball hurtling through space, nobody's gonna care whether or not I got this guy out."
"Some days you tame the tiger. And some days the tiger has you for lunch," his way of explaining a reliever's life on the edge, working when the game is there to be won or lost.
Why drive a 1954 Buick? "I like it because it plays old music."
Whitey Herzog on his pitchers: "It's like they're afraid they'll get the clap or something if they throw strikes."
This one is a gem about a "one sided conversation" an "oiled up Carty" is having with a woman on a non-chartered plane:
"They call me the B-E-E-E-G Boy...Ho Ho Ho. They say the B-E-E-G Boy no longer H-E-E-T and you know what I say? Horse S-H-E-E-E-T." Now gripping an imaginary bat and waving it in her face, Carty assures her, "The B-E-E-E-G Boy will H-E-E-T!"
Herzog on Carty: "Rico's crazier than a peach orchard sow."
The trick against Drysdale is to hit him before he hits you.
Orlando Cepeda
FORUM ENTRY: I'll try to throw in a subcategory: Sporting News headlines.
The first one which comes to mind is this one from the Spring of 1949, which refers to the WWII experiences of Earl Rapp, who came up with the Tigers and White Sox for a cup of coffee that year:
When subjected to the tired truism "Ya can't win 'em all...",
manager Gene Mauch once retorted,
"Why the hell not?"
"Getting all excited about minor league relievers is sort of like getting excited about ants: yes, they're nifty testaments to life in its glory, profusion, and wonder, but mostly, there are just a lot of them."
- Chris Kahrl.
"The worst thing about it is I can no longer see my penis when I stand up."
Babe Ruth, on getting fat.
During George Brett's 1980 Season:
"The only way to pitch him now is way inside, so you force him to pull the ball. That way, the line drive won't hit you."
Yankee pitcher Rudy May
"The way George Brett is hitting right now, God could have him down no balls and two strikes and he'd get a hit."
Umpire Steve Palmero
"I wouldn't go that far. If the Lord was up 0-2, He might get George out . . . but God better hit the black."
Hal McRae, Kansas City Royals
"...in the end it all comes down to talent. You can talk all you want about intangibles, I just don't know what that means. Talent makes winnners, not intangibles. Can nice guys win? Sure, nice guys can win -- if they're nice guys with a lot of talent. Nice guys with a little talent finish fourth, and nice guys with no talent finish last."
Sandy Koufax
White Sox announcer Harry Caray- "Jimmy, I saw Stan Musial hit five home runs in a doubleheader".
White Sox announcer Jimmy Piersall-"So what? I had nine kids."
The Texas Rangers and the San Francisco Giants Battle to win the 2010 Series
Clowning around
Before Giants OF Cody Ross wanted to become a ballplayer, he wanted to be a rodeo clown. His dad was in the rodeo, and he used to hang out with him, and until he was about 10, that's what he thought he would do. "I was drawn to them so much because those guys have no fear," he said.
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Source: tampabay.com