Baseball Quotes
"When they knock you down, you not only have to get up, but you have to make it clear that you won't be knocked down a second time." - Carl Yastrzemski
“If you're not having fun in baseball, you miss the point of everything.” -Chris Chambliss
"Give me five players like Robinson and a pitcher and I'll beat any nine-man team in baseball." - Manager Charlie Dressen on Jackie Robinson
"I am not concerned with being liked or disliked. I am concerned with being respected -Jackie Robinson (Dodgers Infielder 1947 - 1956)
"The trouble with baseball is that it is not played the year round." - Gaylord Perry
"That space between the white lines, that's my office. That's where I conduct my business." - Early Wynn
"One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to reach down and prove something." -Nolan Ryan (Mets, Angels, Astros, Rangers Pitcher 1966 - 1993)
"Good hitters don't just go up and swing. They always have a plan. Call it an educated deduction. You visualize. You're like a good negotiator. You know what you have, you know what he has, then you try to work it out." –Dave Winfield
"Every great batter works on the theory that the pitcher is more afraid of him than he is of the pitcher." –Ty Cobb
"If you don't think baseball is a big deal, don't do it. But if you do, do it right." -Tom Seaver
"I worked real hard to learn to play first. In the beginning, I used to make one terrible play a game. Then, I got so I'd make one a week, and finally, I'd pull a real bad one maybe once a month. At the end, I was trying to keep it down to one a season." - Lou Gehrig, New York Yankees 1B
"I don't know how anyone can put on a uniform and not care about winning." - Dave LaPoint
"If you could equate the amount of time and effort put in mentally and physically into succeeding on the baseball field and measured it by the dirt on your uniform, mine would have been black." -Mike Schmidt
"Different people, different backgrounds, different ideals... We walk in different doors at the beginning of the day, and we walk out of different doors at the end of the day. But when it is time to go out on that field, we all go through the same door." - Scott Rolen, Philadelphia Phillies 3B
"Anything less would not have been worthy of me. Anything more would not have been possible." - Boston's Carl Yastrzemski
"A good base stealer should make the whole infield jumpy. Whether you steal or not, you're changing the rhythm of the game. If the pitcher is concerned about you, he isn't concentrating enough on the batter." -Joe Morgan
"Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is." -Bob Feller
"There are only two places in this league, First Place and No Place." -Tom Seaver (Mets, Reds, White Sox Pitcher 1967 - 1983)
"If you've ever been around a group of actors, you've noticed, no doubt, that the can talk of nothing else under the sun but acting...It's exactly the same way with baseball players. Your heart must be in your work." -Christy Mathewson (Giants Pitcher 1900 - 1916)
Quotes on Pitching “The pitcher has to throw a strike sooner or later, so why not hit the pitch you want to hit and not the one he wants you to hit?” –Johnny Mize
“Nobody likes the ball low and away, but that's where you're going to get it from me. I been pitching it there 50 years, away from them. That way they can't hurt you. You keep the ball in the park.” - Satchel Paige
"I'm working on a new pitch. It's called a strike." - Jim Kern
“Pitching is the art of instilling fear.” -Sandy Koufax Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher 1955-1966
“Believe me, I would much rather get three outs on three pitches than three outs on nine pitches, because that's going to make me that much stronger at the end of the game. My pitching philosophy is simpe. I believe in getting the ball over the plate and not walking a lot of men.” - Bob Gibson
"I became a good pitcher when I stopped trying to make them miss the ball and started trying to make them hit it." -Sandy Koufax
"Put the right pitching mechanics together with good health, and there's nothing surprising about lasting a long time." - Nolan Ryan
“My job isn't to strike guys out; it's to get them out, sometimes by striking them out.” - Tom Seaver
"A pitcher's got to be good and he's got to be lucky to get a no hit game." -Cy Young
"A pitcher will never be a big winner until he hates hitters." -Early Wynn
"One rule I had was make your best pitch and back up third base. That relay might get away and you've got another shot at him." -Lefty Gomez
"It's no fun throwing fastballs to guys who can't hit them. The real challenge is getting them out on the stuff they can hit." -Sam McDowell (Indians Pitcher 1961 - 1971)
"The only time I really try for a strikeout is when I'm in a jam. If the bases are loaded with none out, for example, then I'll go for a strikeout. But most of the time I try to throw to spots. I try to get them to pop up or ground out. On a strikeout I might have to throw five or six pitches, sometimes more if there are foul-offs. That tires me. So I just try to get outs. That's what counts - outs. You win with outs, not strikeouts." -Sandy Koufax
"I'm a Major League 3rd Baseman. If you want to go play in parking lot, I'm suppose to stop the ball." - Brooks Robinson, when asked before the first game of the 1970 World Series if he thought he'd have a problem playing on astroturf for the first time.
"The test of an outfielder's skill comes when he has to go against the fence to make a catch." - Joe DiMaggio
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