Quotes by Joe Schultz, ex-Seattle Mariners Manager
10. To Mike Hegan, after he got hit on the arm by a pitch:"Where'd you get it, on the elbow?"Hegan: "No. On the meat of the arm, the biceps.""Oh, shit, you'll be okay. Just spit on it and rub some dirt on it."
9 . "Attaway to stomp 'em. Stomp the piss out of 'em. Stomp 'em when they're down. Kick 'em and stomp 'em. Attaway to go boys. Pound that old Budweiser into you and go get them tomorrow."
8. On pitching to Frank Howard:"Look, whatever you do, don't let him beat you. Don't give him anything good to hit. throw it outside to him. Christ, I don't mean on the corner, either. He'll hit that pitch right out of here. Throw it a foot outside. Hell, he'll swing at those. Somebody's been getting him out. The bastard's only hitting.305."
7. "Attaway to stomp on 'em, men. Pound that Budweiser into you and go get 'em tomorrow." Shultz spots John Gelnar. "For crissakes, Gelnar. You'll never get them out drinking Dr. Pepper."
6. John Gelnar during a Shultz mound visit: "Any particular way you want me to pitch him, Joe?"Schultz: "Nah, fuck him. Give him some low smoke and we'll go in and pound some Budweiser."
5. Bouton to Schultz: "I sure could use a workout."Schultz: "If you need a workout go down to a whorehouse."
4. During bunting practice:"Boys, bunting is like jacking off. Once you learn how you never forget."
3. After an argument with an umpire, returning to the dugout, to a woman in the front row: "Hi ya, Blondie. How's your old tomato?"
2. Schultz: "Nice going out there today, Jim."Bouton: "Joe, I had a fantastic knuckleball today. Just fantastic."Schultz: "Did you? Did you have the feel of it?"Bouton: "I sure did."Schultz (grabbing crotch): "Well, feel this!"
1. "Well, boys, it's a round ball and a round bat and you got to hit it square."
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