Quotes from a sports forum
Quotes by John McKay, football coach:
"Kickers are like horse manure. They're all over the place."
"They keep records like most times sliding into second base on a Tuesday."
(Comment about baseball statistics)
On this significance of experience-- "If you have everyone back from a team that lost 10 games, experience isn't too important."
"The only problem with doing the impossible is that everybody expects you to duplicate the impossible."
Hey, how about this one from Terry Bradshaw's Hall of Fame Speech:
"What I'd give to put my hands under Mike Webster's butt one last time"...
Tennis pro Ille Nastase, on not reporting a stolen credit card to the police-"Whoever stole it is spending less than my wife."
New York restaurant owner Toots Shor, sitting with Dr. Victor Fleming, who discovered penicillin, seeing Giants Hall of Fame slugger Mel Ott walk through the door- "Excuse me, somebody important just came in.
Bucky Harris, giving advice to his woeful Senators team on how to hit Bob Feller-"Go up and hit what you see and if you can't see it, come on back."
Joe McCarthy, Joe DiMaggio's Yankee manager, on if his star could bunt-"I will never find out."
Sports writing immortal Jimmy Cannon, when the lights dimmed during a baseball writer's dinner-"Thank God, they electrocuted the chef."
Baseball Hall of Famer Paul Waner-"They say money talks. The only thing it says to me is goodbye."
Announcer Bill Curtis, hearing the 1974 San Diego Chargers were being investigated for drug abuse-"The way they play, it must have been formaldehyde."
Baseball Hall of Famer Lou Brock-"When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. My dad solved the problem. He cut the legs off it."
Jimmy Cannon on Howard Cosell-"He changed his name from Cohen to Cosell , puts on a toupee and tells it like it is?"
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