Alice Cooper American singer
I am past writing angst songs for kids. My angst is when I can't get my Porsche roof up and when I can't get my golf handicap down
Jay Leno American comedian
The US finally came up with an exit strategy. Unfortunately it's for the World Cup. (after the US soccer team were knocked out in the early stages of the World Cup)
Tommy Docherty Scottish footballer and manager
George [Best] was a fantastic player and he would have been even better if he'd been able to pass nightclubs the way he passed the ball.
Warren Buffett US businessman
It's only when the tide goes out that you learn who's been swimming naked.
Gary Lineker English footballer
Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and, at the end, the Germans win.
Linda McCartney American photographer and animal rights activist
I don't eat anything with a face.
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