It is an axiom of sports that the legs go first. For sportswriters, it's the enthusiasm.
Hail Cricket! glorious, manly, British game! First of all Sports! be first alike in fame!
—Love,James pseudonym of James Dance
I hate all sports as rabidly as a person who likes sports hates common sense.
—Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis)
What man that sees the ever-whirling wheel Of Change, the which all mortal things doth sway, But that thereby doth find, and plainly feel, How mutability in them doth play Her cruel sports, to many men's decay?
—Spenser, Edmund
Organised outdoor sports for the old ruling classes.
—Hobson,John Atkinson
Praise the sports of the land And water, each one; The bath by the beach, or the yacht on the sea. But of all the sweet pleasures Known under the sun; A good game of Croquet's the sweetest to me.
—Reid,Thomas Mayne
Pleasures of worse natures Are gladly entertained, and they that shun us Practice in private sports the stews would blush at.
—Massinger, Philip
He brought an eye for all he saw; He mixed in all our simple sports; They pleased him, fresh from brawling courts And dusty purlieus of the law.
If this can be termed the century of the common man, then soccer, of all sports, is surely his game? In a world haunted by the hydrogenand napalm bomb, the football field is a place where sanity and hope are still left unmolested.
—Rous, Sir Stanley
All winter long,
I am one for whom the bell is tolling;
I can arouse no interest in basketball,
Indoor fly casting or bowling;
The sports pages are strictly no soap!
And until the cry Play Ball! I simply mope.
—Nash, (Frederic) Ogden
It is statute and ordained that in na place of the Realme there be used Fute-ball, Golfe, or uther sik unproffitable sportes.
—James IV
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