Quotes from a soccer forum
“You drank beer, you played golf, you watched football - WE EVOLVED!”
Frank Zappa (ok, he meant gridiron!)
When I first met him I didn't know whether to shake his hand or lick his face."
Robbie Williams, on David Beckham
In football everything is complicated by the presence of the opposite team.” Jean-Paul Sartre
“Penalties do not deter men when their conscience is aroused.”
Nelson Mandela
Not sure who said it, but:'how can i be expected to soar like an eagle when i am flying with ducks'
as a manager you always have a gun at your head, its a question of if there is a bullet in the barrel"
The story goes that when Sir Alf Ramsey was giving one of his notoriously straight-faced England team talks in the early 70s, he told Rodney Marsh that if the forward’s workrate was not up to scratch, he would be “pulled off” at half-time. Marsh smirked and replied “Crikey, Alf, at Manchester City all we get is an orange and a cup of tea.”
U15's Dulwich Hill Coach in a trail game this year in a pre game talk to his players:
"I don't care about the result as long as we don't lose"
.... same game in the second half, calls off a player (substition) as the player runs to the coach, the coach says:
"Good game son, I pulled you off so we have a better chance of winning.."
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