Insults by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
"You don't have to yell at me! I'm not blind!"
(After saying something smart)"Do you think this brain thing is a gimmick?"
(Talking about the Narcissist Lex Luger's elbow)"He's had more hits than Elvis."
"You know what slows down Typhoon? Twinkies--Hostess Cupcakes."
(Talking about Typhoon)"He uses his weight advantage at dinner."
"North Dakota State. What do you have to do there to graduate? Milk a cow with your left hand?
"Stu Hart trained all his kids--only three of them use the litter box."
(Talking about the Guerrero family)"Their family is watching this at home wondering if the wheels are going to get stolen off their house.
(Talking about Chris Jericho)Lee Marshall: "He is an ego maniac."Bobby Heenan: "But he's good at it!"
"If it wasn't for Mrs. Gurrero's chili they wouldn't have invented Rolaids."
Bobby Heenan: "That's not the first time he's been on the ground holding his stomach."Tony Schiavone: "Huh?"Bobby Heenan: "Obviously you've never had any of Mrs. Gurrero's chili."
Gorilla Monsoon: "The Pendulum swings."
Bobby Heenan: "Like a pendulum do."
Gorilla Monsoon: "is that a tune?"
Bobby Heenan: "Why do you hear music?"
"That shirt: It's like sinus infection green."
Tony Schiavone "I'm sure a liar has to make a living like everyone else."
Bobby Heenan "That's why we're here."
"You should just get beat up for having a last name Whipneck."
(Talking about Tony Schiavone)"Next week I'll be on the Cartoon Network with pictures of your last date."
(Talking about Jim Duggan)"He's has a disadvantage when he wakes up."
"And for those of you that dropped out of high school, remember the famous phrase: 'Do you want fries with that?' "
Gorilla Monsoon: "The corner of the steps hit him in the trapezius."
Bobby Heenan: "That's what they use in the circus."
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