Quotes cited by Simpson’s Contemporary Quotations, 1988.
Mario Cuomo, Governor of NY
QUOTATION: It was anticipating self-defense.
ATTRIBUTION: On why he once hit a catcher in the face mask while playing minor league baseball, CBS TV 30 Dec 84
Roger Kahn
QUOTATION: I was showing early symptoms of becoming a professional baseball man. I was lying to the press.
ATTRIBUTION: On becoming part owner of minor league baseball team, Good Enough to Dream Doubleday 85, quoted in NY Times 8 Sep 85
Harry Reasoner
QUOTATION: Statistics are to baseball what a flaky crust is to Mom’s apple pie.
Roger Kahn
QUOTATION: A major league baseball team is a collection of 25 youngish men who have made the major leagues and discovered that in spite of it, life remains distressingly short of ideal. A bad knee still throbs before a rainstorm. Too much beer still makes for an unpleasant fullness. Girls still insist on tiresome preliminaries. And now there is a wife who gets headaches or a baby who has colic.
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