Heckles, putdowns, comebacks to and from baseball umpires
Umpire Disses
Hey ump is that a dinner plate? Apparently it has no corners!
I've seen better calls at a square dance!
I've seen better calls between two tin cans and a piece of string!
I've seen better blue in a toilet bowl!
Its a strike zone, not an end zone!
Come on blue, turn that mask around and get a GOOD look!!
How about asking the audience? Do you want to use another lifeline?
What were you, a lookout a Pearl Harbor?
I forgot the Milk-Bone for your seeing-eye dog!
If it was a donut you would have gotten there! (Umps out of position)
How many fingers am I holding up?
Can I pet your Seeing Eye dog after the game?
Have they stopped printing the rulebooks in Braille?
Don't donate your eyes to science, they don't want em'
Pull the good eye out of your pocket.
I thought only horses slept standing up!
Flip over the plate and read the directions.
That was a strike in any bowling alley!
You flipping coins?
When your dog barks twice, its a strike!
Next time buy a ticket if you're going to watch!
I bet if you had a biscuit that plate would be clean!
Do you get any better or is this it?
Munch! Munch! Munch! The Ump is out to lunch!
I'm gonna break your cane and sell your dog.
You couldn't make the right call if you had a phone book.
You couldn't make a call in a phone booth
If the pitcher is throwing too fast for you, we can ask him to slow it down.
You're getting better, you almost made the right call that time!
Punch a hole in that mask, you're missing a good game!
I've seen potatoes with better eyes!
Careful...The Umpires Fight Back...
If I could afford the wood, I'd have your mouth boarded up!
If you're so important, why aren't the seats facing you?
Man, you're ugly, I bet if I follow you home, someone ugly will open the door!
Shouldn't you be at home airing up the tires on your house?
He got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.
If you were any more stupid, you'd have to be watered twice a week.
Here's an alcoholic who doesn't want to remain anonymous.
What's the matter, kid, didn't you get enough attention at home?
Don't yell at me, I ain't your mother.
Now I know why some animals eat their young.
You make me wish I'd donated to Planned Parenthood.
This year's poster child for zero population growth.
What holds your ears apart?
I see your therapy's coming along just fine.
What, was there no tractor pull on tonight?
Every village has one.
Is that your face or did you just catch a foul ball with your teeth?
Two more legs and you could star in a western.
This is my job. I don't criticize the way you mop floors when you're at work.
I don't show up at your job and unplug the Slurpee machine.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to deal with you, I'm an Umpire not a proctologist.
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