Monday, January 25, 2010
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: footballbabble.com

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: mentalfloss.com
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: yourdictionary.com

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
- Stein, Gertrude
In theTatler, no.147,18 Mar.
Also attributed to Addison.
Women are supposed to be very calm generally:
but women feel just as men feel: they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer - it is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.
-Bronte, Charlotte
Jane Eyre, ch.12.
He that in his studies wholly applies himself to labour and exercise,
and neglects meditation, loses his time, and he that only applies himself to meditation, and neglects labour and exercise, only wanders and loses himself.
- Confucius or K'ung Fu-tse, 'The MasterK'ung'
Quoted in Colin Jarman
The Guinness Dictionary of Sports Quotations (1990).
Squash - that's not exercise, it's flagellation.
- Coward, Sir Noel
Quoted in Colin Jarman
The Guinness Dictionary of Sports Quotations (1990).
Better to hunt in fields, for health unbought,
Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught.
The wise, for cure, on exercise depend;
God never made his work, for man to mend.
- Dryden,John
'To Exercise is bunk. If you are healthy, you don't need it: if you are sick, you shouldn't take it.
- Ford, Henry
Attributed. US businessman, grandson of Henry Ford,
president of the Ford Motor Co from 1945 and chairman from 1960.
Art derives a considerable part of its beneficial exercise from flying in the face of presumptions.
- James, Henry
'The Art of Fiction', collected in Partial Portraits (1988).
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young.
- Lorenz, Konrad
('The So-Called Evil', translated by Marjorie Latzke as On Aggression,1966), ch.2.
It asks more steadiness, self-control, ay, and manly courage, than any other exercise.You must take as well as give, eye to eye, toe to toe, and arm to arm.
- Peel, Sir Robert of boxing.
Quoted in John Boyle O'Reilly
Ethics of Boxing and Manly Sport (1888).
To curle on the ice, does greatly please, Being a manly Scottish exercise; It clears the Brains, stirs up the Native Heat, And gives a gallant appetite for Meat.
- Penecuik, Dr Alex
Quoted in Colin Jarman
The Guinness Dictionary of Sports Quotations (1990).
Exercise? I get it on the golf course.When I see my friends collapse, I run for the paramedics.
- Skelton, Red (Richard), comedian \ entertainer Attributed.
I have never taken any exercise, except sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any. Exercise is loathsome.
- Twain, Mark (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Quoted in Colin Jarman
The Guinness Dictionary of Sports Quotations (1990).
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: mensfitness.com
Men's Fitness chooses the fittest heavyweights of all time.
Click here to view ===> 5 FITTEST HEAVYWEIGHTS OF ALL TIME
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: combatsportpsychology.blogspot.com
A sports psychologist cites the relationship between combat and sports
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: youtube.com
NHL Highlights : Top 10 Sound Clips of the Decade
Click here to view ===> TOP NHL HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DECADE
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

Quotes from the movie National Velvet about a
horse ridden by the teenaged movie actress
Elizabeth Taylor in England's Grand National
Steeplechase Race.
Plot Summary for Nationa Velvet:
Click here to view ===> PLOT SUMMARY
Source: imdb.com
Movie Trailer for National Velvet:
Click here to view ===> MOVIE TRAILER
Movie Quotes from National Velvet:
Click here to view ===> MOVIE QUOTES
Source: imdb.com
The young actress in National Velvet
became a major motion picture star
(see below) later in her career.
Image: musicman.com
After her auspicious beginning as a young
actress, Elizabeth Taylor became one of
Hollywood's favorite icons and a favorite
of audiences all over the world.
Living the life of a movie star and producing
a very impressive filmography made her even
more popular, as she still is today, as she
continues to make headlines in the fields of
entertainment and humanitarianism.
You will next see below more of Elizabeth
Taylor as a mystery guest on the very popular
1950's game show, What's My Line.
Source: youtube.com
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: sport.co.uk
Sports site lists 10 quotes by sports commentator Bill McLaren
Click here to view ===> RUGBY QUOTES
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: mlbcontracts.blogspot.com

Image: finehomeslv.com
"Show me the money" quotes from the world of baseball
"Shut up. I told you to shut up. If I want to spend $4 million on a ballplayer, I will. If I want to spend $12 million, I will. ...It's my goddamn money and I'll do what I want."
- Padres owner Ray Kroc, who earlier founded McDonald's.
"The majors couldn't pay me enough to play."
- Kansas City Monarchs pitcher Satchel Paige
"We should make it. We're the ones doing the entertaining."
- Giants outfielder Barry Bonds
"Gentlemen, we have the only legal monopoly in the country,and we're f------ it up."
- Braves owner Ted Turner
"You go through The Sporting News for the last 100 years,and you will find two things are always true. You never have enough pitching, and nobody ever made money."
- Donald Fehr, executive director, MLBPA
"For a hundred years the owners screwed the players. For 25 years the players have screwed the owners - they've got 75 years to go."
- Yankees pitcher Jim Bouton
"I'm so poor I can't even pay attention."
- White Sox outfielder Ron Kittle, 1987
"We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules."
- Dodgers, Padres & Angels executive Buzzie Bavasi
"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."
- Yankees catcher Yogi Berra
"Money and women. They're two of the strongest things in the world. The things you do for a woman you wouldn't do for anything else. Same with money."
- Kansas City Monarchs pitcher Satchel Paige
"Fellas, this is the 20th century. You can't get anybody, drunk or sober, to agree that once a fella goes to work for the A&P, he has to work for the A&P the rest of his life."
- MLB attorney John Gaherin
"Loyal? I'm the most loyal player money can buy."
- Dodgers, Astros, Brewers, A's & Angels pitcher Don Sutton
"No problem. I was either going to wake up rich or richer."
- A's Mike Norris, after losing in salary arbitration
"I would say it's the end of the world as we know it. ...I am speechless by that contract. ... It's unbelievable.
Literally, it will take the sport down, that contract.
We're right back to the ridiculous contracts. It can't be."
- Marlins president David Samson, on reports Ichiro Suzuki would sign a $100 million contract
"My mother always taught me that if the only thing you have to say is, '(Expletive) Dave Samson,' then don't say anything at all.
So I'm not going to say anything at all.
Is my mother the greatest or what?"
- Mariners GM Bill Bavasi, after signing Ichiro to a $90 million contract
"If we're gonna win, the players gotta play better, the coaches gotta coach better, the manager gotta manage better, and the owners gotta own better."
- Brewers first baseman George Scott, to the club chairman
"If anyone does not believe that we had our ass kicked in this labor matter, they are dead wrong. We have lost the war,and the only question is, can we live with the surrender terms."
- Cardinals owner Gussie Busch, 1976
"I love being the highest paid player in the game."
- Alex Rodriguez, Yankees
"Money doesn't talk, it swears."
- Bob Dylan (Music legend and baseball fan?)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: video.aol.com
Image: omgsoysauce.com
AOL provides a video of its choices of the 15 most beautiful female athletes.
Say, kids (adults 18 years and older), what time is it?
Kids (adults 18 years and older): Its eye candy time!!!
(And a tip of the FSQ hat to Buffalo Bob and the Howdy
Doody TV show for giving the intro idea for this post.)
That's right - no quotes, jokes, or smokes on this post,
just eye candy!
Click here to view ===> FEMALE ATHLETES PICTORIAL
Saturday, January 2, 2010
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: nationalpost.com

Image: thumbs.dreamstime.com
TV talk show hosts unleash a barrage of comical quotes
and jokes at Tiger Woods after the problems in his
marriage are revealed.
"Last Friday Tiger Woods hit a tree, and a bunch of ladies fell out."
-- Seth Meyers, on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update.
"Safely land golf cart in the Hudson River."
-- From David Letterman's Top 10 Ways Tiger Woods Can Improve His Image.
"Friend of mine was shopping for a present for a boy, he saw a Tiger Woods action figure and said to his wife, 'Let's get him this, and 11 Barbie dolls.' "
-- Scott Ostler, sports columnist.
"Thanks for changing your grip."
-- From Letterman's Top 10 Text Messages Sent By Tiger Woods.
"Starting to feel bad for Tiger Woods. This has become almost as hard to watch as golf."
-- Stephen Colbert, of The Colbert Report.
"One of Tiger's mistresses was a British broadcaster. His nickname for her was 'The British Open.' "
-- Conan O'Brien.
"In terms of the temperature going up and up, we are making some progress today. Over in Copenhagen, they put a cap on the number of hot girlfriends for Tiger Woods."
"Rapper 50 Cent is saying that Tiger Woods never would have been caught if he had been more 'gangster.' In response, Tiger said 50 Cent would have never been shot nine times if he had been more 'golfer.' "
"ABC News is reporting that Tiger's wife Elin is planning to file for divorce, citing irreconcilable waitresses."
-- Jimmy Kimmel.
"Swiss watchmaker Tag Heuer is re-evaluating their endorsement deal with Tiger Woods. Which is ironic, because in order to schedule a career, a wife and 14 mistresses, you need a really good watch."
"When Tiger is running around, does he wear Nike sneakers?"
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

"If Bill Shankly was alive, he'd be turning in his grave."
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: thegolfchannel.com
"Sometimes it's a pat on the back, sometimes it's a kick in the butt. Sometimes it's just plain shut up and walk away."
– Brian Sullivan, caddie for Joe Durant at the AT&T, on the type of feedback caddies sometimes receive from their bosses.
Click here to view ===> GOLF QUOTES I - 2009
"It made me realize I’m actually a nobody. I thought I was decently somebody, but this confirms it. In worldwide golf, I’m a nobody."
– Pat Perez, on the lack of fans following his group at the WGC-HSBC Champions in China.
Click here to view ====> GOLF QUOTES II - 2009
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: sports.espn.go.com

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: m.espn.go.com

- From the Kung Fu Panda himself, Pablo Sandoval, to the San Francisco Chronicle's Henry Schulman, on his lovable inclination to take a hack at every pitch he sees:
"That is the Pablo that I am."
Click here to view ===> BASEBALL QUOTES 2009 (2 PAGES)
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: baseballprospectus.com

"Somehow Dick Allen got out of the way of that ball. His helmet went straight up and his head went straight down, and the ball went between his helmet and his head. Dick got up, and he has his glasses on, and he didn't do anything. He acted like nothing happened, really. The next pitch [Pete] Broberg threw, he hit the ball to dead center field in the upper deck like there was nothing to it. He just went around the bases and back into the dugout, and I said to myself, 'There goes a man right there.'"
—Toby Harrah, May 2009
"I had given up a walk and a hit to the first couple of guys before I got the next three hitters out and [a reporter] asked me, 'So, what happened with those first two guys?' I said, 'Well, the first guy walked on four pitches, and I think the second guy got a hit.' Then you kind of see a smile come on their face and they're like, 'Is that it?' and I say, 'Yeah, that's what happened.'"
—Justin Masterson, January 2009
"I was in winter ball for a lot of years, and I saw the way they grew up and the backgrounds that they have. I more or less understand that, yeah, they can be a little bit temperamental, but hey, there are a lot of gringos that can be the same way."
—Dick Pole, March 2009
"I've seen guys warm up over the last umpteen years and maybe not have their sharpest stuff in the pen, but the pen really means nothing. What happens from the pen to between the white lines is a transformation."
—Gary Tuck, April 2009
"Right about then it dawned on me, 'Oh yeah, he's probably going to send a message.' Well, that message went across the tip of my nose! To this day I can still feel that ball grazing off the end of my nose. He knocked me right on my ass. But I respected it. He wasn't trying to kill me; he was just trying to send a message."
—Rob Deer, April 2009
"I'd had a bad outing, and my daughter ran out and she goes, 'Hey Dad! Did you see Billy the Marlin?' I was kind of over my outing then, because all she really cared about was that I was home and got to see Billy the Marlin.”
—Joe Nelson, April 2009
"These hitters are doing a lot of stuff that you have to keep up with. It's just like technology, man; technology keeps getting better and better, and so does the hitting."
—James Shields, April 2009
"Bill Rigney was the manager, and he came out with kind of a smile on his face. He said, 'Welcome to the big leagues, son. That probably will not be the last home run that you give up.' And he was right."
—Bert Blyleven, May 2009
"The catcher called for a changeup, and I was 19, and he hits it off the foul pole in Baltimore for a home run. Later I threw him about a 97 mph fastball down and away, and he hit it into right field for a single, and I realized that Al Kaline may be better than I was."
—Jim Palmer, May 2009
"He said, 'Cody, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that you're not with us anymore. The good news is that I just traded you to the Florida Marlins.' I was like, 'Yes!' I said that: 'Yes! Thank you!' I was hoping that I didn't sound too excited."
—Cody Ross, July 2009
"What I have to say about flair is that it’s more, like, emotional than anything. It’s just showing emotion and showing how much fun you’re having in the game. I don’t think it’s, 'Oh yeah, I just want to look pretty out there.'"
—Lastings Milledge, August 2009
"You look for a fastball up; you look for something that you can hit. Like [former Louisiana State University baseball coach] Skip Bertman said in college, 'You sit for the express, and adjust for the rest.'"
—Aaron Hill, October 2009
"When I walked into the clubhouse, I looked over at Bill Fischer’s locker, he was the pitching coach, and I saw the radar gun. It had about an inch-thick coat of dust on it, and I thought, 'This is my kind of place.'"
—Mike Boddicker, November 2009
"Anything you'd ever want to know about me is probably on somebody's blog or on the internet somewhere."
—Billy Wagner, December 2009
FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: See body of message

United Kingdom (UK) web sites present sports quotes from 2009.
Most Scandalous sports quotes of the year 2009:
Click here to view ====> SPORTS QUOTES 2009 SLIDE SHOW
Source: independent.co.uk
"Not yet."
-- F1 driver Adrian Sutil when asked if he knew who the attractive young woman standing next to him was while being interviewed after the Monza GP.
"I woke up yesterday morning, face down on my bed, still wearing my cricket whites and stinking of sweat and champagne. So I think it's fair to say it was a lively night!"
-- Graeme Swann partied like it was 2005 after England's Ashes triumph.
Click here to view ===> SPORTS QUOTES 2009
Source: bbc.co.uk
During the warming-up training before play I prayed. Not for victory, but that my hairpiece wouldn't fall off."
-- Andre Agassi, from his book "Open", before the French Open 1990.
"It's bizarre, it almost seems like it's not real. To become a knight from riding your bike, it's mad."
-- Sir Chris Hoy
Click here to view ===> SPORTS QUOTES OF 2009
Source: telegraph.co.uk
"I probably didn't settle on it enough. My mind probably wasn't clear and I did the classic amateur thing and lifted my head."
-- Padraig Harrington on the disastrous eight on the par-3 eighth hole at the USPGA Championship.
"I'm almost tempted to apologise to the Galway hurling public, the people who paid their €15 today because that is not acceptable, it's not good enough. We were shocking."
-- Galway hurling manager John McIntyre on a 0-12 to 1-20 NHL loss to Kilkenny.
Click here to view ===> SPORTS QUOTES FROM 2009
Source: independent.ie