Image: finehomeslv.com
"Show me the money" quotes from the world of baseball
"Shut up. I told you to shut up. If I want to spend $4 million on a ballplayer, I will. If I want to spend $12 million, I will. ...It's my goddamn money and I'll do what I want."
- Padres owner Ray Kroc, who earlier founded McDonald's.
"The majors couldn't pay me enough to play."
- Kansas City Monarchs pitcher Satchel Paige
"We should make it. We're the ones doing the entertaining."
- Giants outfielder Barry Bonds
"Gentlemen, we have the only legal monopoly in the country,and we're f------ it up."
- Braves owner Ted Turner
"You go through The Sporting News for the last 100 years,and you will find two things are always true. You never have enough pitching, and nobody ever made money."
- Donald Fehr, executive director, MLBPA
"For a hundred years the owners screwed the players. For 25 years the players have screwed the owners - they've got 75 years to go."
- Yankees pitcher Jim Bouton
"I'm so poor I can't even pay attention."
- White Sox outfielder Ron Kittle, 1987
"We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules."
- Dodgers, Padres & Angels executive Buzzie Bavasi
"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."
- Yankees catcher Yogi Berra
"Money and women. They're two of the strongest things in the world. The things you do for a woman you wouldn't do for anything else. Same with money."
- Kansas City Monarchs pitcher Satchel Paige
"Fellas, this is the 20th century. You can't get anybody, drunk or sober, to agree that once a fella goes to work for the A&P, he has to work for the A&P the rest of his life."
- MLB attorney John Gaherin
"Loyal? I'm the most loyal player money can buy."
- Dodgers, Astros, Brewers, A's & Angels pitcher Don Sutton
"No problem. I was either going to wake up rich or richer."
- A's Mike Norris, after losing in salary arbitration
"I would say it's the end of the world as we know it. ...I am speechless by that contract. ... It's unbelievable.
Literally, it will take the sport down, that contract.
We're right back to the ridiculous contracts. It can't be."
- Marlins president David Samson, on reports Ichiro Suzuki would sign a $100 million contract
"My mother always taught me that if the only thing you have to say is, '(Expletive) Dave Samson,' then don't say anything at all.
So I'm not going to say anything at all.
Is my mother the greatest or what?"
- Mariners GM Bill Bavasi, after signing Ichiro to a $90 million contract
"If we're gonna win, the players gotta play better, the coaches gotta coach better, the manager gotta manage better, and the owners gotta own better."
- Brewers first baseman George Scott, to the club chairman
"If anyone does not believe that we had our ass kicked in this labor matter, they are dead wrong. We have lost the war,and the only question is, can we live with the surrender terms."
- Cardinals owner Gussie Busch, 1976
"I love being the highest paid player in the game."
- Alex Rodriguez, Yankees
"Money doesn't talk, it swears."
- Bob Dylan (Music legend and baseball fan?)
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