Image: homevideos.com
Sports bloggeer presents his second update to his original top 50 jerks in sports.
Excerpt from the blogger's second update:
"We are surrounded by jerks. Jerks in politics. Jerks in cars. Jerks in planes. Jerks at sea. Jerky actors who get all the jerky ladies. Jerky writers (hand raises furiously). Jerkity jerks that spill their jerky oil. The jerk that rolls his eyes when you order a venti soy hazelnut vanilla cinnamon white mocha with extra caramelized Halle Berry.
But, most of all, there are jerks in sports. There are enough jerks in sports to start a new species of man: sportus homus jerkus."
End of excerpt.
Click here to view ===> TOP 50 JERKS IN SPORTS
"We are surrounded by jerks. Jerks in politics. Jerks in cars. Jerks in planes. Jerks at sea. Jerky actors who get all the jerky ladies. Jerky writers (hand raises furiously). Jerkity jerks that spill their jerky oil. The jerk that rolls his eyes when you order a venti soy hazelnut vanilla cinnamon white mocha with extra caramelized Halle Berry.
But, most of all, there are jerks in sports. There are enough jerks in sports to start a new species of man: sportus homus jerkus."
End of excerpt.
Click here to view ===> TOP 50 JERKS IN SPORTS
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