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Top 10 Toughest Athletic Challenges.
Excerpt from the theme blog for this post:
Is your daily routine at the gym boring you? Is your jogging route not giving you the same satisfaction it once did? And are you tired of athletic events that only last a couple of measly hours?
Then it sounds like you need more pain and suffering in your life!
Luckily, there are numerous sporting challenges that have been designed for the sole purpose of torturing their participants with insane demands.
Taking part in any one of the following 10 events should be enough to ensure that you never want to exercise again!
End of excerpt.
Click here to view ===> 10 TOUGHEST ATHLETIC CHALLENGES
Source: top-tenz.net.
Ready to accept the challenge or learn more about the requirements
for overcoming the challenges?
If so, the following links will help point aspiring athletes in the right
direction for overcoming the challenges.
Bonus entry: Sports endurance quotes
"Well, you're not getting any faster sitting on the wall."
- Wolfgang Dittrich to masters swimmer.
"Women's XC is an eating disorder with uniforms."
- ex girlfriend and NCAA All American runner
Click here to view ===> SPORTS ENDURANCE QUOTES
Source: finalkick.com
Bonus entry: Cycling quotes
Refrain from throwing your bicycle in public. It shows poor upbringing
-Jacquie Phelan
Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight.
-Lance Armstrong
Click here to view ===> CYCLING QUOTES
Source: sportsquotescollection.com
Bonus entry: Running quotes
I tell runners to divide a race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart.
- Mike Fanelli
Running is like mouthwash; if you can feel the burn, it's working.
- Brian Tackett
Click here to view ===> RUNNING QUOTES
Source: good-quotes-now.com
Bonus entry: Exercise quotes
"A fat stomach never breeds fine thoughts."
- St. Jerome
"The physically fit can enjoy their vices."
- Lord Percival
Click here to view ===> EXERCISE QUOTES
Source: great-quotes.com
Bonus entry: Workout exercise dance routine
If you've reached this point, you are now ready for the
piece de resistance in readying yourself for the
athletic challenges - THE WORKOUT DANCE!
You know the deal....
If you are 30 or younger, put on your workout dancing shoes.
Older than 30, grab a seat and sit down and watch ---- PERIOD!
Click here to view ===> WORKOUT DANCE VIDEO
Source: youtube.com
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