Hey... shut up
The insulter: Patches O'Houlihan (Rip Torn)
The situation: The eccentric Dodgeball coach gives his team a halftime pep talk and doesn't sugar-coat his instructions. Average Joe's will be average no longer.
The insult: "Will someone please catch a goddamn ball? It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to fuck a doorknob out there!"
Why it rules: Paints quite a picture, doesn't it?
The insulter: Sidney Deane (Wesley Snipes)
The situation: Trash-talking on the basketball court, a number of 'yo momma' jokes are thrown around but this one really sticks.
The insult: "I seen your mother kicking a can down the street. I said 'What you doin'?' and she said 'Moving'"
Why it rules: Nothing cuts to the bone like a 'yo momma' joke.
That's all, folks!
(Just 2 sports movies made this list at #19 and at #20!)
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