Lip - The very tip of a breaking wave curling or plunging down.
Making A Wave - To go for a wave and "make it", as opposed to getting tossed off your board and pounded by the wave.
Nose - The pointy part of the surfboard and the part that points away from you when you are paddling and riding.
Peak - The part of the wave which is about to break.
Booger - It's another word for a body boarder
Cut-Back - A 180 degree turn that's done on either of the two edges of the surfboard in order for the surfer to be positioned towards the breaking part of a wave.
Dropping In - Where a surfer catches a wave in front of another surfer who is closer to the breaking part of the wave. Dropping in is also known as cutting off and snaking.
Face - The front part of the wave. A surfer rides the face of the wave.
Fin - That's the triangular thing on the bottom of the board that gives the board balance and helps you control where you ride. Most boards have one fin but shorter boards will sometimes have three to give the board more balance.
Goofy-Foot - Rider who surfs with right foot as the lead foot and the left foot as the back foot.
Hang Ten - When a surfer has all ten toes on the nose of the board. This is an extremely difficult trick to pull off.
Hodad - A beginner or non-surfer.
Pitched - Getting tossed off the lip of the wave and usually off the board.
Ripping - Pulling off mad and maniacal moves on the wave. Having your way with a wave.
Shubee - A tourist who buys surfing gear, dresses surf, but has never surfed in their life.
Swell - The lines generated by the energy of the wind which travels over the ocean's surface, making waves in shallower water.
Tube Ride - When a surfer rides through the tunnel formed by a hollow, breaking wave.
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