Bikinis make men stupid
Published Jul. 1, 2008
You may have known this all along, but now it has been demonstrated scientifically: bikinis make men stupid.
This month’s issue of the Journal of Consumer Research features a paper titled “Bikinis Instigate Generalized Impatience in Intertemporal Choice,” which is a neuroeconomist’s (definition in a moment) way of saying that men don’t make good decisions while checking out pretty girls in bikinis.
Virgil wrote of the phenomenon 2,000 years ago when he created the epic poem “The Aeneid.”
When Venus convinces Vulcan to make some special armor, she
…threw her snow-white arms around him As he held back, caressing him here and there, And suddenly he caught fire — the same old story, The flame he knew by heart went running through him, Melting him to the marrow of his bones… She knew her beauty’s power.
And a tip of the Sports_nut hat to Hugh Hefner also for using that same logic to generate billions of dollars and billions of dreams - thanks, Marilyn!
Image: wwwcache.wral.com
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