You might be a baseball nut if….
You subscribe to Baseball Weekly during the off-season.
You go to amateur ballgames (Little League, softball, etc.) even though you don’t know anyone on the teams.
Many of your summertime meals seem to consist of $6 hotdogs, $5 nachos and $4 cokes.
You’re still looking for that Todd van Poppel rookie card.
The last time you flew across country you planned a stop in Chicago so you could go to Wrigley Field.
You own a copy of the Official Baseball Rulebook. And you understand the Infield Fly and Balk rules.
You’ve ever scored a game.
You’re still carrying on a feud with your neighbor over whether Ichiro should have been eligible for Rookie of the Year.
You know who pitched the seventh game of the ’68 World Series.
You have Spring Training season tickets.
Your spouse asks where you’d like to go on vacation this year and you say, "Boston, Baltimore, Cleveland and Detroit."