Image: celebsplanet.blogspot.com
A golf forum member cites terms used to describe golf shots
A Kate Moss - A bit thin
Hitting a Saddam Hussein - going from bunker to bunker.
Condom Shot - It didnt feel right but it is safe.
Hitting a Saddam Hussein - going from bunker to bunker.
Condom Shot - It didnt feel right but it is safe.
Son in Law Shot - It could have been better. -or- not what you wanted, but it'll do.
A Diego Maradonna - Nasty little five footer.
A Paula Radcliffe - Ugly, but a good runner.
Making love to your sister - It's down there but you're not proud of it.
An Adolf Hitler - Taking two shots in a bunker
A Kate Winslett - A bit fat but otherwise perfect
A Rodney King - Over-clubbed
A Salman Rushdie - An impossible read
An OJ Simpson - sliced it, but got away with it
A Nancy Kerrigan - shot that is knee high and if hit someone would take em out
An Elephant's A$$ - it's high and it stinks
A Palestine - a swing that every teaching pro has had a look at but none can fix.
An Air India Jumbo - you can tell it's going to sink even before it hits the ground.
A Miss Piggy - fat, but hugs the green.
A Mrs Robinson shot - you should not be taking it on but it just looks so damn tempting.
A Bill Clinton - any lie you come across.
A Tony Blair - every bad lie there's ever been.
A George Bush - can't get out of the sand.
A China - a club with too many members.
A Snot - could turn into bogey very easily.
A Paris Hilton - an expensive hole.
A Yasser Arafat - ugly and in the sand
A Glen Miller - didn't make it over the water
A Princess Grace - should have taken a driver
A Princess Di - shouldn't have taken a driver
An Elvis - caught in a trap
A Sonny Bono - when you know you hit one into the trees and it lands HAARRDD.
A Natalie Wood - She's in the water and gone for good.