Welcome to the retirement edition of Funny Sports Quotes.
The Funny Sports Quotes blog was created in 11/2007 after I could see I could become a blogger very easily using Google's 3-step process for creating a blog online.
For me, like most, work is not my idea of a fun experience, so I had to choose the topic that I would most enjoy pursuing and that, for me, was finding and posting funny sports quotes for entertaining and, in some cases, educating an audience on facets of sports even the most ardent sports fans may not have been aware of.
At the same time, I decided to compile a database of funny sports quotes that sports fans and quote fans could visit for "one-stop" shopping, thereby helping them to avoid the need to search elsewhere for sports quotes.
So, from 11/2007 until 2/2011. I have compiled quotes on the Funny Sports Quotes blog and its sister blog, FSQuotes, that is accessible only from the Funny Sports Quotes blog.
As of 2/26/2011, I believe I have achieved my objective first set in 11/2007, which signals for me the end of my funny sports quotes database project.
Kindly note that I have already made the last post (SI Swimsuit) to the blog, shut off further entries to Comments, and I will shut off the email address sports.quotes@gmail.com on 03/14/2011.
Also note that many features previously cited on this page have been removed, so that a bare-bones FSQ remains for your future reference.
I do hope that my venture was successful in bringing a smile to your face or a skip to your step, since that was all FSQ was created for, your entertainment and pleasure.
In closing, I wish you and yours, Godspeed!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

FUNNY SPORTS QUOTES \ Source: nomarsgirl4ever.tripod.com

Image: blog.mainstreamshore.com
Ivory: Jerry, you are a pervert.
Jerry Lawler: Yeah, and your point is?
"I asked Sunny if she would ever consider dating you. She said she would rather give birth to a porcupine on fire."
-Jerry Lawler
"I'm gonna stick your head so far up your ass your gonna have to cut holes in your nipples to see!"
- The Rock
Helen Hart is the only person I know with an autographed copy of the bible."
-Jerry Lawler
"Don't take this ass-whippin' personally."
-A.P.A T-shirt
"Matt Hardy's quicker than a hiccup."
You gotta eat lightning and crap thunder!"
-Shane McMahon
If charisma were rain, Blackman would be a desert."
Jerry Lawler
"Crash Holly's so short, you can see his feet on his driver's license photo."
- Jerry Lawler
Christian: "So are you in?"
Angle: "Six man elimination table match with Booker T and The Dudleyz? You bet your sweet asses I'm in!"
Edge: "Did he just say sweet asses?"
"Now, Bad Ass, you run your mouth about Summerslam. Well, here's the situation. The Rock says this, if the Rock hits you he'll kill you. If he misses, the wind behind the punch will give you pneumonia and you'll die anyway, so the choice is yours jabroni."
-The Rock
"Hey, I drank milk that was a DAY past the expiration date. Now THAT is Extreme!"
- Kurt Angle
"I wasn't surprised at all. In fact, I thought, why stop there? Why not add the Big Show, or Chris Jericho, or the whole state of Nebraska for that matter? And don't you think a wrestling ring is a little old school, Lilian? Why not put the match in a shark tank, with real live sharks? Hungry sharks! And the only way to beat your opponent is to stuff him down a shark's throat, and pin the shark. Wouldn't that be a hoot?"
~ Kurt Angle
Hardy Boys, Boyz with a Z. Is that Z supposed to scare us or something?"
He's the game all right."
- Edge
"Yeah if the game is pin the tail on the two faced reekazoid."
"Kurt Angle, you think you're really special because you've cashed in on the services of one Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, a two dollar no, a fifty cent no, buy two get one free does any one have change for a nickel skank ass slut?"
-The Rock
"Take a little walk down Know You Role Boulevard, hang that right on Jabroni Drive, and then proceed to check your Aunt Jemima no-pancake-havin' ass directly into the Smackdown Hotel!" -The Rock
When David killed Goliath, Mae Young called the cops.
-Jerry Lawler
"And ladies my bazooka is locked, cocked and ready to unload."
-Triple H

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